Posted on March 10, 2017 by Neil Garfield
Curated from The Lending Lies Team
Several weeks ago we asked our readers to take a brief survey. The results are revealing and expose an egregious pattern of fraud and abusive lending practices. The majority of respondents stated that they were unable to find competent counsel, had been lured into predatory loan modifications, and had identified fraudulent mortgage documents in their Chain of Title. The majority stated they could not find assistance or relief even when the fraud was obvious.
Most shocking were the stories of desperation, major depression, and a loss of faith in the judiciary and governmental agencies. The fact that this issue has continued to fester for almost a decade is representative of the corruption that permeates Wall Street, the Judiciary and state and federal agencies that refuse to enforce the regulations and laws that are suppose to prevent this type of fiasco. At some point this issue will come to a head- because there is only so much that injured homeowners will tolerate. Are we at that tipping point yet? The comments and results speak for themselves.
Do you have an attorney? Do you believe your attorney is doing a good job for you?
Fired two attorneys won a class action lawsuit as they did nothing to defend me. Stole my money and made my case more difficult
2/17/2017 6:07 PM
Yes. Ken Rosellini of Clifton New Jersey. Yes he is an awesome attorney. The courts in New Jersey are prejudicial.
2/17/2017 4:59 PM
Yes, but not a good job spent 50 K in California and never once able to present evidence so I wrote to the judge and said 12 B6 was unconstitutional, I haven’t lied, discretionary judge powers without presentation of evidence is absurd. I have begged to allow many discovery. Will wait to see what he says.
2/17/2017 4:55 PM
yes. no, legal aid just happy to delay and not resolve.
2/17/2017 4:17 PM
No. Paralegal help – Jim Macklin – he’s OK
2/17/2017 3:56 PM
Will be looking for an attorney once I have the money to do so.
2/17/2017 3:55 PM
No and I would not hire an attorney.
2/17/2017 2:54 PM
For 8 1/2 years no, but at trial & now in the appeals court, and only for medical reasons, yes I have an attorney. I fired the first attorney for various reasons, not happy with him. Second is very new.
2/17/2017 2:52 PM
No my atty disbarred and indicted for fraud against clients
2/17/2017 2:37 PM
No attorney now, and have had good help over the years, but courts are on crack.